Congratulations on the opening of the Fürstenberg Brauwerk

New 5 hl per brew experimental brewery for the Fürstlich Fürstenberg Brewery in Donaueschingen

This is the new 5HL experimental brewery that we were commissioned to construct for the Fürstlich Fürstenberg Brewery in Donaueschingen. It is really well staged!

You can now get even closer to what is going on in the popular guided tours and look directly over the shoulders of the brewers shoulders during brewing.

The brewmasters will test and experiment here and develop new and creative beers. The brewers will take special care to bring to life again the traditional recipes handed down over the long history of the Fürstenberg Brewery.

We can’t wait to test these beer specialities!

Click here to go directly to the brewery:

Cklick here if you want to see how the Brauwerk was build (Klick on "Video"):