Cerveceria Grassau

Temuco, Chile

The aim of the brewery operator Roberto Grassau was to establish a small but fine production brewery for bottled beer on a green field site. Individual beers were unknown at that time on the Chilean market. The industrial hall was built and Caspary commissioned with the production of the brewery by Grassau. We were responsible for virtually all the work, from the planning through to assembly. We planned the installation and of course the logistics of the brewery in the new hall. We determined the space required for offices, the brewhouse, celler, filling stations, storage and potential expansions and compiled the corresponding layout plan taking all pathways into consideration. The building was completed in accordance with these specifications; Caspary delivered and installed the system and brewed the first beer with the Chilean brewmaster. The desired success quickly followed. A few years later there was a severe earthquake in Chile. The brewery with it brewhouse on a frame and its sturdy piping was the only brewery that was able to go on producing. Grassau, who is also a pilot, made his small sports aircraft available to help those in need. Everything in Chile has now been rebuilt. It is also gratifying that the beer is still in great demand, a fact that has led to multiple expansions of the brewery.

performance spectrum

  • Planning of a brewery building with all the expirations and ways 
  • Turnkey: complete brewery, transport, assembly and commissioning
  • 10 hl industriebrewery
  • Bottling

Contact Address

Compañía Cervecera Yellow Sea SpA. | Ruta Freire | Villarica km 7 | Región de la Araucanía | Chile



Roberto Grassau

Roberto Grassau

"The most personal support even outside "common" office hours enabled us to get ideally prepared for our project. In Caspary, we found a strong partner who did not only build a professional, solid brewery, but still supports us to the present day".